Graeme Walker Graeme Walker

Community Politics

Between 1st and 4th centuries CE, an upwardly mobile middle-class – including masses of socially and economically freed slaves – rose to compete with rich and elite Roman colonisers in the province of Baetica.

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Graeme Walker Graeme Walker

Dubious Association

The Spanish Civil War was a culmination of brutal conflict between an explosive desire for individual freedoms versus repressive state control.

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Graeme Walker Graeme Walker

Utopian Dream

“Utopia”: meaning ‘no place’; from Greek: οὐ (not’) and τόπος (‘place’)

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Graeme Walker Graeme Walker

Human Creativity

Is art a manufactured disguise to hide the nature of reality; or, is nature a clothing for art?

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Graeme Walker Graeme Walker

Happy Twentieth!

‘Eikas’ commemorates Epicurus and Metrodorus, traditionally celebrated amongst Epicureans on the twentieth of each month.

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