Information for Owners

Information which is confidential to all homeowners, including an owners’ forum, is available on password-protected pages requiring website registration and login.

Confidential owner information includes:

Minutes of meetings.

All owners must have access to all previous minutes of meetings of the Board of Owners.

Access to information.

Information will be shared in the owners area which may be relevant to all owners, but which may not have been shared by the Secretary-Administrator or President of the community.

Confidential forum.

Owners may discuss topics relevant to protecting the best interests of the Community of Owners without censorship by individuals in official positions of power or authority.


Conditions of Access

Current owners of property within the Costa Natura urbanisation may request access to the owners’ area, using this form.

Access to the owners’ area is conditional on maintaining confidentiality of any personal data of other owners which may be contained in documentation of the community and on your agreement to inform the website adminstrator on ceasing to be an owner, for access to be removed.

First it is necessary to create an account via the ‘Login’ tab. Thereafter, when evidence of ownership is received, a link and password will be provided to access the secure content.

“ I don't know how you haven't been given the Nobel Prize … if you delete me from your list I will fall into a great depression and I would not know what would become of me.”

— Mr Manu

“THIS IS TOO LITTLE AND TOO LATE … my business reputation … your weak and slimy apology means nothing … The court will decide the appropriate consequences of your actions, may they be swift and severe … The car you saw me hosing off is not mine.”

— Mr Bryceson

“I don’t get it at all … I really don’t get it … the ‘committee conversations’, so far, have not been formal committee meetings … the ‘notes’ … are not meant for distribution … I’m not going to. … Please, come on … Go away!”

— Mr Verheyden