Comment Policy
The purpose of the online forum is to provide Owners, Tenants and Staff with a place to connect and to discuss matters of relevance to the Community, with particular emphasis on topics that may require decisions by the Board of Owners. In the interests of ensuring the forum is as welcoming as possible, this Code of Conduct is implemented:
Forum users must remember that in the digital space, where non-verbal clues are absent, it is more difficult to interpret someone’s intentions.
If moderation is (exceptionally) required, its only purpose is to ensure that forum content adheres to Terms & Conditions of the software provider and this Code of Conduct.
Do not share forum content out-with the forum, such as on social media. However, always assume that what you post could leak into the public domain.
Have respect for one another, think about why you are posting, and be respectful.
Respect diversity. Content that is likely to make others feel unwelcome or unsafe because of their age, sex or gender, race, sexuality, gender identity, ability or religion is not permitted.
Do not harass, intimidate or bully. Generally speaking, if your actions are unwanted and you continue to engage in them, you may be starting to harass or bully.
Anonymous posting may only, exceptionally, be permitted by the Webmaster if the commenter could be subject to adverse repercussions on a sensitive topic.
Do not make defamatory comments about a person or organisation. Unjustified statements about a person or organisation, with intent to cause reputational harm, could be used as evidence in case of a complaint.
Avoid discussion of religious topics, which often end in conflict. The only exception is where the topic has genuine relevance to the naturist lifestyle.
Trolling - the deliberate posting of offensive, highly controversial or antagonistic material, in order to provoke others - is not acceptable.