Proposal for ‘Friends of Costa Natura’ Foundation

As the first naturist community to receive official recognition in modern Spain, and in view of its unique architecture, Costa Natura requires institutional protection in the form of declaration of Asset of Cultural and Historical Interest in accordance with Law 14/2007, de 26 de noviembre, del Patrimonio Histórico de Andalucía. A nearby community with comparable architectural characteristics (Bahía Dorada) already has such recognition, independent from an older watchtower within its bounds.

Furthermore, a Foundation should be established in accordance with Law 10/2005, de 31 de mayo, de Fundaciones de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía in order to protect and preserve Costa Natura and to maintain ongoing future recognition of its cultural value. The legal structure of a Foundation would provide better protection against attempts by individuals to take control or exploit the community for private gain. The Spanish Association of Small and Medium Foundations could provide support and guidance.

In addition, a Foundation could provide legitimate tax advantages for receipt of income derived from common property, if used for the preservation and maintenance of an Asset of Cultural and Historical Interest. Foundations, as legal persons, must pursue the general interest; they have more robust institutional oversight than associations; and have a reputation for stability over time.

The general interest purposes of a Costa Natura Foundation might include, for example:

  • Promote the enhancement, study, research, dissemination, consolidation, conservation, restoration and integral rehabilitation of Costa Natura.

  • Propose and develop Well-being and Health improvement programs that benefit humanity in collaboration with the Administration and with the support of private participation.

  • Propose and develop programs to promote Culture, Arts and Sciences that benefit humanity in collaboration with the Administration and with the support of private participation.

Make a donation.

Article 14.1 of Ley 10/2005, de 31 de mayo, de Fundaciones de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía requires an endownment of at least 30.000€ for the legal establishment of a foundation.

A procedure for making donations for this purpose is being considered.