Ascetic Digambar Sādhus
A large array of cultural practices – including those linked to religion – have made an impression on naturism in one way or another. One example of this is Ascetism, which exists as a lifestyle in many different faiths around the world, but it is more common within Indian religions such as Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism. In Jainism, its practice is rather particular. According to the Jain Sadhus (holy men in their last stage of life), especially those from the Digambar branch, being completely nude is the best way to untie oneself from all material possessions.
Nudity is not the only lifestyle choice that the Digambar Sādhus have in common with naturism. They believe it is important to be conscious of both their actions and those of other living beings around them. At the beginning of their ascetic journey, they take vows such as never harming a living thing, always speaking truthfully, and avoiding gossip about others’ lives. Although they are not vows per se, there are certain principles within naturism that are similar to Digambar Jainism, including appreciating nature and showing respect and tolerance. This is a clear sign that the naturist lifestyle interlinks and coalesces different beliefs.